Potential of 3D printing – the use of the „age suit” designed in 3D technology as an educational tool for students
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Warszawski Uniwersytet Medyczny, Polska
Zakład Zdrowia Publicznego Warszawski Uniwersytet Medyczny, Polska
Corresponding author
Małgorzata Grochala   

Warszawski Uniwersytet Medyczny, Żwirki i Wigury 61, 02-091, Warszawa, Polska
Med Og Nauk Zdr. 2019;25(2):112-117
3D printing is becoming more and more popular. Spatial printing technology is used in many industries, and reports from financial markets show that investment in 3D printing is growing by 20% year-on-year. A multidisciplinary team of scientists from the Poznan University of Life Sciences Poznan and the Poznan University of Medical Sciences in cooperation with practitioners from the Get Models Now company, conducted research and development activities within international BaltSe@nioR project (, aimed at the pioneering idea of using 3D technology to create a tool facilitating the understanding of the needs of seniors. The result of these activities is an age simulator printed in 3D printing technology (a.k.a., age suit). Thanks to the simulator, people of all ages will be able to feel and understand the needs and movement limitations of elderly people. Age suit is a perfect solution for furniture, housing estates, and infrastructure manufacturers as well as for students, as an educational tool to help create health policy and in-direct contact with the patient for future doctors and nurses.

The aim of this work was to present applications of 3D printing in medicine and to present the results of a study conducted among students with the use of the age suit simulator.

Material and methods:
The applications of 3D printing mentioned in the paper are presented on the basis of the literature review from the last 10 years. Quantitative and qualitative research was carried out among students. The quantitative part consisted of simulations of activities performed in everyday life by elderly people in the age suit costume, and the results were collected with a questionnaire. The second part was a qualitative study by means of a focused group interview aimed at deepening the interpretation of the results obtained.

This paper presents many applications of 3D printing in medicine, which can help in creating new solutions, methods of treatment, and creating a senior policy. The results indicate that the age suit costume showed students the limitations of older people’s mobility and helped them to understand the problems they have to face in their daily lives.

Spatial printing is becoming more and more popular and has many applications in various fields of medicine. The age suit costume is a tool that helps to get to know the needs of the elderly, and 3D printing, although not known by all students before, is considered an important tool in the development of science.
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