Physical activity and dietary profile of females and males with type 2 diabetes
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Zakład Higieny i Wychowania Zdrowotnego, Akademia Wychowania Fizycznego w Krakowie
Katedra Mikrobiologii, Uniwersytet Rolniczy w Krakowie
Med Og Nauk Zdr. 2014;20(1):31-33
Type 2 diabetes is classified into chronic, non-communicable diseases, the development of which genetic predispositions and environmental factors, including life style, dietary habits, low physical activity, age and obesity play a primary role. The objective of the project was to compare physical activity and dietary habits of females and males with type 2 diabetes. The study was conducted during the period from April 2011 – February 2012 in the diabetes outpatient departments in the Krakow Region, and covered 120 patients (60 females and 60 males) with the diagnosis of type 2 diabetes. An anonymous questionnaire served as the source of information on the lifestyles of the respondents. An anonymous survey was carried out containing items concerning the respondents’ life style. The majority of respondents declared a passive way of spending leisure time, as many as 70% of females and 63% of males watched television for 2–5 hours daily. At the same time, most of the respondents applied adequate diet: planned the composition and caloric content of meals, did not sweeten beverages and consumed meals at regular times of the day. Males more frequently than females committed dietary errors, such as salting foods, consumption of fatty pork meat and sausages, and sweets. The present study confirms the need for extended patient education with regard to the role of physical activity and adequate diet in type 2 diabetes and prevention of other chronic diseases. Furthermore, physical activity programmes for patients should be developed in view of the declared sedentary leisure time preferences. Key words: type 2 diabetes, physical activity, diet
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